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Whitney Loblaw

mention of toddler poo; parenting

TFW your toddler left a trail of poo around home on her way to the toilet because she insisted she didn’t want underwear. Then you feel like some forensic investigator trying to trace exactly her path from start to finish so you don’t miss a smudge when mopping. 👌🏽

mention of toddler poo; parenting

@stragu as a fellow toddler parent: beautiful!

mention of toddler poo; parenting

@stragu as a toddler I liked making... art projects on the walls. Shockingly enough, my mom didn’t share my enthusiasm for these finger paintings. 😏

mention of toddler poo; parenting

@Leannefaith oh god oh god oh god let's hope my kids aren't as creative (/resourceful?) as you....